The Basics Workshop.




The Basics - Summary Booklet

Tracking App Recommendations

BBT Thermometer Recommendations

Want to dive deeper? Books, podcasts, insta recommendations


  1. Basic female and reproductive anatomy

2. The basic physiology of a menstrual cycle

3. How to track and chart your mucus patterns

4. How to track and chart your BBT

5. A little discussion about the cervix

6. An introduction to the Inner Seasons 

1. Basic Female and Reproductive Anatomy

2. The Basic Physiology of the Menstrual Cycle


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3. How to track and chart your MUCUS

4. How to track and chart your BBT



5. A little discussion about the cervix….


6. The Inner Seasons!

Audio Block
Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more
Inner Winter - tile.png
Inner Spring - tile.png
Inner Summer - tile.png
Inner Autumn - tile.png
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How to get started!

Step 1. Download The Basics - Summary Booklet for a little “how to” guide

Step 2. Choose an appropriate app or journal for your observations. Here are some recommendations -

Step 3. Buy a BBT thermometer if you’d like to track using your BBT. Here are some recommendations -

Step 4. Get tracking daily!

  1. Physiological signs: mucus patterns and basal body temperature

  2. Get in touch with your Inner Seasons by starting to observe each day how you’re feeling physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

Remember to check out the Inner Seasons Program if you’d like to dive a lot deeper into this!

If you’re wanting MORE here is a list of books, podcasts and people to follow on Instagram - Resources