Chart to Conceive

Couples have a 20% chance of conceiving each menstrual cycle IF intercourse is timed correctly AND it’s a fertile cycle (ovulation has occurred + a sufficient luteal phase). When I heard this I was SHOCKED!! With perfectly timed sex we still only have a 20% chance of conceiving each month!? This is why it can take an average of 6 months to a year for couples to conceive. It is obviously therefore crucial to understand your menstrual cycle, what your mucus changes mean and when exactly your fertile window is.

Evidence shows there is a big discrepancy between women who think they know when they ovulate and women who actually know. Around only 14% of women actually ovulate on day 14, so for the majority of us we need to understand our menstrual cycle and our own physical signs to ensure we know our fertile window no matter how regular or irregular our menstrual cycles are.

Most apps use only the rhythm method which predicts by counting days and averaging your cycle. This does not take your mucus patterns, basal body temperature or month to month natural changes into consideration and can therefore often be inaccurate.

The fertility journey can be an emotionally tumultuous time. The more of an understanding women have of their menstrual cycle the more empowered, excited and informed they can feel rather than confused, out of control and unsure of the next step. 

These one on one 60 minute online sessions are individualised depending on your personal situation and background knowledge of the menstrual cycle.

What is discussed in these sessions:

  • Your menstrual cycle/gynaecological history

  • Your fertility journey

  • The basic physiology of the menstrual cycle

  • How to track and chart your cycle

  • Understanding your mucus patterns

  • Understanding your basal body temperature.

  • The fertile window - understanding time frames.

These one on one sessions are perfect for those who are thinking about conception in the near future or are currently wanting to conceive and feel they want more of an understanding in their bodies and menstrual cycles.

Initial session - 1 hour - $159 AUD (Online)

Follow Up session (price depending on time required) - 30 mins - $95 AUD

For anymore information please feel free to email me at or press the link below to book a session.